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2015 크리스마스 뮤지컬 12월 19~20일 저녁 7시30분

페이지 정보

작성자 뉴라이프교회 작성일70-01-01



뉴라이프교회에서는 오는 12 18 금요일과  19 토요일 저녁 730 크리스마스 뮤지컬 공연이 있을 예정 입니다.

매년 어린이 뮤지컬 로서는 보기드물게 뛰어난 완성도와 감동적인 스토리를 자랑하는 뉴라이프 교회의 뮤지컬은 베이지역의 한인들과 믿지않으시는 분들과 크리스마스의 참된 의미를 함께 나누는 것 뿐만 아니라 다민족들을 초청하여 이웃과 함께 예수님의 사랑을 실천하는데 그 의의를 두고있습니다.

“The Great Christmas Giveaway” 라는 제목의 이번 뮤지컬은 어느 학급의 학생들이

담임선생님에게 드릴 크리스마스 선물로 무엇이 좋을지 고민하던 가운데 쇼핑몰의  선물가게 주인을 통해 크리스마스에 주고받는 선물의 참된 의미를 깨닫게 되며 도움이 필요한 이웃들에게 가장 필요로 하는 선물을 함으로써 받을때보다 나눠줄 때 더 큰 기쁨이 선물로 돌아온다는 내용입니다.

지난 8년간 계속되어져 온 뉴라이프 교회의 뮤지컬은 각 장마다 화려한 율동과 볼거리 또한 가득하며 크리스마스 시즌에 가족단위로 함께 즐길 수 있는 문화예술공연으로 손색이 없을것입니다.

뉴라이프교회 여선교회 에서는 공연에 오시는 손님들을 위해  푸짐한 다과 또한 준비하고 있습니다이번 공연의 입장료는 무료이며 World Hunger 를 위한 헌금시간이 있을 예정입니다.


We are so glad to perform the musical “The Great Christmas Giveaway” with New Life Church children this year especially during the time that the world is stealing “Christmas spirit” from people’s heart.

Children usually have expectations of what presents will be receiving during the

Christmas season, but this musical teaches us a beautiful correlation between “giving” and “joy” in God’s economy! This story takes place in a shopping mall where class officers have gathered to find a special present for their teacher.

They’re off to a store named Tiff’s Gifts to shop for him, and right away they learn “It is more blessed to give than receive”.(Acts 20:35)   

The first fact we learn about God’s way of giving is that He gave out of love(John3:16). So we sing in response to this truth, “Love is the perfect present we can give throughout the year.”

The second truth we learn is that God gave us His best: “His one and only Son” “He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all…”(Romans 8:32) This is something that we can all learn...to give our best! The song “I give You me” is a sweet song that teaches this truth.

The third discovery about God’s way is that He gave in response to our great need, not what we deserved. Thank you Lord! God knew we could never repay Him and yet He still sent us Jesus. I think our children to learn to give like this – to give according to what people need, not what they deserve.

Through this musical performance We pray that we will all be reminded to give like God gave to us. That’s where true joy is found!